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Programming 2009. 4. 8. 09:26

Subversion Rollback 하기.

commit을 잘못했을 경우에 대처법. (tortoise SVN)

Subversion doesn’t offer this capability directly, but you can achieve the same results using the merge command. So if you accidently check in some code that you want to then effectively remove from the tree, you can.

svn merge usage has three forms (run svn help merge for the full details) but the one I prefer looks like this:

svn merge -r<from>:<to> <repository> <working directory>

In the wild that translates to something like this (from within your checked-out trunk):

svn merge -r1455:1454 https://prime/svn/client/tfg/aurora2/trunk .

Follow this up with a check in:

svn ci -m "Rolled back to r1454"

Note that it doesn’t remove the broken revision (in the above case, r1455) from the repository. Instead you’ll get a new revision (r1456) which is identical to 1454. It’s still possible though for the broken version to be checked out if you specifies r1455.

요렇게 하면 된다넹~~~
(링크 : http://lambie.org/2008/05/23/rolling-back-your-subversion-repository-to-a-previous-good-revision/)